TOUT-baiting.....need help!


Tom Ace, Pet Detective
Nov 8, 2005
Hey Illini et al, can you guys give me some contact numbers and or email addresses for these Touts?

Its time for a new form of "full-contact" friends at the scambaiting site will go after any scammer, Nigerian or otherwise. Won't get s many funny pictures with Touts, but we always enjoy wasting a scammer's time, money, and effort. And sports-touting is a scam, no doubt.

I'll start a thread about over at my site, and I'll let you know the results we get!

-Tom Ace, Pet Detective


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New member
Jun 21, 2004
Joe Wiz likes attention. He emails me daily

Call Now... 1-888-946-7000.

Sep 16, 2006
Touts suck... the one I talked too went 1-3-1 Sunday... LOL... didn't play... should've faded

Jan 1, 2006
So what you are really saying is this.

I have no life. My friends and I like stroking off guys we dont know, by calling them on the phone and making them think they will get a sale.

What I do is call for the free pick and the wait for the rep to call me back. When he does, I pretend like I am losing, which I am, and tell him I need a big winner tonite and ask do you have anything special?

Of course they do and he launches into his pitch, setting my friends in the background all a giggle, as they listen in and throw out different objections to see how the guy handles himself on the phone.

All the while, I am bait him on, in breathless anticipation of when I screw him over.

We do this because we are losers and have nothing else to do.

We came into the RX to ask for new names and numbers, because we have run out of places to call, Everybody knows us, and need fresh blood.

How Pathetic.

Tom Ace, Pet Detective
Nov 8, 2005
Sugarbear said:
So what you are really saying is this.

I have no life. My friends and I like stroking off guys we dont know, by calling them on the phone and making them think they will get a sale.

What I do is call for the free pick and the wait for the rep to call me back. When he does, I pretend like I am losing, which I am, and tell him I need a big winner tonite and ask do you have anything special?

Of course they do and he launches into his pitch, setting my friends in the background all a giggle, as they listen in and throw out different objections to see how the guy handles himself on the phone.

All the while, I am bait him on, in breathless anticipation of when I screw him over.

We do this because we are losers and have nothing else to do.

We came into the RX to ask for new names and numbers, because we have run out of places to call, Everybody knows us, and need fresh blood.

How Pathetic.

wow, judging people you know nothing about. I wish more people in the world were like you!!!!! And just so you know, your reply reveals your ignorance and lacks any basis in reality.

Sep 21, 2004
Sugarbear said:
So what you are really saying is this.

I have no life. My friends and I like stroking off guys we dont know, by calling them on the phone and making them think they will get a sale.

What I do is call for the free pick and the wait for the rep to call me back. When he does, I pretend like I am losing, which I am, and tell him I need a big winner tonite and ask do you have anything special?

Of course they do and he launches into his pitch, setting my friends in the background all a giggle, as they listen in and throw out different objections to see how the guy handles himself on the phone.

All the while, I am bait him on, in breathless anticipation of when I screw him over.

We do this because we are losers and have nothing else to do.

We came into the RX to ask for new names and numbers, because we have run out of places to call, Everybody knows us, and need fresh blood.

How Pathetic.
Puh-lease. You work for a criminal organization that flat out steals money from people by scamming them. And you are talking about touts getting "screwed over?" Winky-duck's tout-baiting is some of the funniest shit on this forum. I wish he would do it more, and record it, so we could laugh our asses off even more. A tout personifies the words pathetic and loser.
Sep 21, 2004
False Dmitri said:
wow, judging people you know nothing about. I wish more people in the world were like you!!!!! And just so you know, your reply reveals your ignorance and lacks any basis in reality.

False D- simple explanation. He works for Jim Feist.

Tom Ace, Pet Detective
Nov 8, 2005
Illini said:
False D- simple explanation. He works for Jim Feist.


he really does work for a tout scammer? no wonder he doesn't like the idea....he needs to scam to pay his bills!

For G-Baby
Oct 22, 2004
Not to sound like I support touts, because I don't...but really, what's wrong with what they do?

They take advantage of weak-minded, impressionable individuals...which happen to make up the overwhelming majority of the world's population.

But touts are supposed to take pity on them? They're not breaking any laws. They're making money legally.

At least with sports-touting, the customers know what they're buying.

I think that Nigerian scam and other shit like that is flat out wrong, because you're attemtping to take advantage of the GOODNESS of a person, and that's just wrong.

But with selling picks, you're attempting to take advantage of that person's INTELLIGENCE, or lack thereof. And to me, that's fair play. If someone is stupid enough to pay for picks because they make ludicrous statements about hitting 80% winners and whatnot, that's their fault, not the tout's. And again, at least the customer knows what he's paying for.

I might not personally believe in what they do, or support it...but I can at least understand it.
Sep 21, 2004
SkinsRaj28 said:
Not to sound like I support touts, because I don't...but really, what's wrong with what they do?

They take advantage of weak-minded, impressionable individuals...which happen to make up the overwhelming majority of the world's population.

But touts are supposed to take pity on them? They're not breaking any laws. They're making money legally.

At least with sports-touting, the customers know what they're buying.

I think that Nigerian scam and other shit like that is flat out wrong, because you're attemtping to take advantage of the GOODNESS of a person, and that's just wrong.

But with selling picks, you're attempting to take advantage of that person's INTELLIGENCE, or lack thereof. And to me, that's fair play. If someone is stupid enough to pay for picks because they make ludicrous statements about hitting 80% winners and whatnot, that's their fault, not the tout's. And again, at least the customer knows what he's paying for.

I might not personally believe in what they do, or support it...but I can at least understand it.
It would be different if the tout actually won, and thus, sold something that had value. Those touts are pretty rare, although they do exist. I just have a big problem with people lying and profiting from their lies and deceitfulness. Just because you can do it and get away with it, doesn't mean it's fair game.

For G-Baby
Oct 22, 2004
If one isn't willing to do his homework on someone he's about to do business with, then he has no one to blame but himself.

Touts might make blasphemous claims about hitting a certain % of games, but if the customer isn't willing to research the product he's about to buy, then why is that the tout's fault?

Ever go to a store and buy something that you thought would be awesome, but then brought it home and used it and realized it wasn't as great as you thought it'd be? Would you blame the company for advertising it in a certain way, or the product for not meeting your expectations?

It's not like these nigerian scams where they appeal to a person's goodness. Intelligence is fair game, IMO.

I wouldn't personally do things like this, but if a person is stupid and can be talked into things easily, then they're fair game.
Sep 21, 2004
SkinsRaj28 said:
If one isn't willing to do his homework on someone he's about to do business with, then he has no one to blame but himself.

Touts might make blasphemous claims about hitting a certain % of games, but if the customer isn't willing to research the product he's about to buy, then why is that the tout's fault?

Ever go to a store and buy something that you thought would be awesome, but then brought it home and used it and realized it wasn't as great as you thought it'd be? Would you blame the company for advertising it in a certain way, or the product for not meeting your expectations?

It's not like these nigerian scams where they appeal to a person's goodness. Intelligence is fair game, IMO.

I wouldn't personally do things like this, but if a person is stupid and can be talked into things easily, then they're fair game.
I don't agree, because you are eliminating the scammer's responsibility to conduct their lives in an ethical way. Just because the opportunity to take advantage of someone is there, doesn't make it okay. They lie, profit from it, and laugh their way to the bank. That is wrong.

For G-Baby
Oct 22, 2004
Illini said:
I don't agree, because you are eliminating the scammer's responsibility to conduct their lives in an ethical way. Just because the opportunity to take advantage of someone is there, doesn't make it okay. They lie, profit from it, and laugh their way to the bank. That is wrong.

So do you condemn the companies that market and sell those miracle diet pills? And those who sell penis-enlargement pills? Because they're doing the exact same thing.

And do you condemn all politicians, who literally say anything to manipulate people into voting for them? They're lying for their own personal gain.

I understand one's responsibility to conduct their lives in an ethical way...but how come the individual getting scammed doesn't have an obligation to HIMSELF to not be an ignorant, weak-minded person who can't think for himself and can be talked into doing things? If you don't have enough respect for yourself to not be a sheep, it's hard for me to feel sorry for you.

Again, I don't agree with what touts do, and I wouldn't do it myself. But if people are stupid enough to get conned and not do their homework to become an educated customer and don't learn their lesson after the first time, it's hard to feel sorry for them.

New member
Jan 18, 2005
skins, you're scaring me. You're being clean in the RR and you're actually making a legitimate argument for touts.


For G-Baby
Oct 22, 2004
wildemu said:
skins, you're scaring me. You're being clean in the RR and you're actually making a legitimate argument for touts.


Hahaha sorry, must be the HIV kicking in...

uh...I'm about to attempt to jerk off at my computer at work right now, despite being surrounded by three people and having absolutely no privacy whatsoever.

I wish this made me feel better. Gay.

Nov 5, 2006
SkinsRaj28 said:
So do you condemn the companies that market and sell those miracle diet pills? And those who sell penis-enlargement pills? Because they're doing the exact same thing.

And do you condemn all politicians, who literally say anything to manipulate people into voting for them? They're lying for their own personal gain.

I understand one's responsibility to conduct their lives in an ethical way...but how come the individual getting scammed doesn't have an obligation to HIMSELF to not be an ignorant, weak-minded person who can't think for himself and can be talked into doing things? If you don't have enough respect for yourself to not be a sheep, it's hard for me to feel sorry for you.

Again, I don't agree with what touts do, and I wouldn't do it myself. But if people are stupid enough to get conned and not do their homework to become an educated customer and don't learn their lesson after the first time, it's hard to feel sorry for them.
Yes, yes and yes!

powdered milkman
Aug 4, 2006
viking611 said:
Just like the Democrats!

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